The Ridgerunner

Ridgerunner Outfitters, LLC is named for elusive loner and societal misfit, William C Moreland,  who left civilization and became a recluse, earning legendary status as “The Ridgerunner”.

In 1942 his journeys brought him to the North Fork of the Clearwater National Forest where he lived alone and survived on what he could find, including food and other necessities he took from locked Forest Service cabins and logging camps. He lived off the land, always expecting to be be apprehended by the Forest Service and logging companies for “borrowing” conveniences the land couldn’t provide.

In 1945 he was caught by a couple of Forest Service employees below a ridge on Skull Creek in our hunting area. After being picked up, jailed, and released several times, he was last seen in 1961.

When you visit our camp you can hike to a huge hollow cedar tree to see where he took refuge, and imagine what a difficult life he lived.

Learn More About The Ridgerunner

If you want to know more about the Clearwater National Forest and The Ridgerunner click The Clearwater Story link below. This history is available for you to read free of charge online. You can read the story of the Ridgerunner  in Chapter 24 beginning on page 158.

The Clearwater Story
A History of the Clearwater National Forest
By Ralph S. Space
Clearwater National Forest Supervisor, 1954-1963

Ridgerunner: Elusive Loner of the Wilderness
by Richard Ripley